Greenland Paddle making course
This is a two day course aimed at providing tuition and support in the carving of a wooden paddle and the use of traditional hand tools.
At the beginning of the course participants are provided with a paddle blank and at the close they take away their finely fashioned paddle. The aim is, of course, to leave with a finished piece but this is dependant on the participants progress over the two days.
The participant will carve a traditional Greenland ‘Stick’ sea paddle. Paddle information can be seen here.
The dimensions of the paddle are selected by the participant prior to the course. For advice on selecting your optimum paddle length go here
Wood types available for the paddle blank:
- The shaft of the paddles are made from a suitably strong light weight timber.
- The edge armour timber is White Ash, Cherry or Walnut.
- The main blade is Western Red Cedar
The only power tools used are belt and orbital sanders, used only for the final finishing.
As an optional extra the paddle can be left with John to have the toe of the paddle machined and fitted with an epoxy protective tip. This costs and additional £30 to cover the work and postage and packaging. Your choice to have this done can be made during the course so no prior payment is required.

A Pyrography pen is available for participants to ‘burn’ their their own mark on the finished paddle
Outline | The course includes an introductory session with discussion of paddle making and paddle shape, health and safety issues and an introduction to the range of tools available. For the remainder of the course participants work on their own paddle with progressive direction and demonstrations of tools as required. The course may include participants making Single blade, Greenland kayak or S.U.P paddles |
Inclusions | 2 days personalised tuition Use of all tools required Refreshments: Tea, Coffee, a range of milk options, fruit, biscuits and sweet treats Lunch is NOT provided. There are shops a short drive away should participants need to purchase lunch. |
Duration | The nominal hours are 10am to 5pm both days. This can be adjusted to suit if participants have long travel distances. Participants who complete the paddle prior to the finish time can leave when they are ready. |
Course numbers | Maximum of 6, Minimum of 4 participants |
Booking and Payment.
Course dates are listed on the booking page of the website shop.
- When a course has been scheduled this is notified on our Facebook page.
To confirm a place full payment is required. If you wish to discuss anything prior to booking, call John on 07722018457 or email to
If for any reason the course is not able to run all paid up participants will be refunded or payment retained for a future course. In general an alternative suitable date is arranged with the group. The exception is participants who withdraw less than 2 weeks before the course date, in which case 50% of the course fee is retained.