F1 modern Skin-on-Frame kayak
Building course

Course details
This course is aimed at providing tuition and support in the building of a made to measure F1 general purpose modern kayak. Eight days is a minimum duration for completion of a finished boat. There are three build options outlined below which can be selected to reduce time spent on location.
The course participants are provided with the machined timber and other materials required to build the kayak. The aim is to leave with a finished kayak, but this is dependent on the participants progress over the course. Both individual and group tuition is provided in use of the tools and on the skills and techniques. Depending on the level of need some direct assistance is provided.
Details on the kayak and it’s dimensions are gathered prior to the course to enable John to machine all of the timber ready for the participant to start their build on day 1. Variations for the chosen kayak are based on the intended use and size of the paddler.
Participant use of power machinery is limited to hand held drills, mortising drill, orbital sander and hot knife.
No prior woodworking skills are required but are useful.
Course duration:
The course is effectively broken into three sections/ options with variable time frames and prices.
- Building of the frame – 6 days
- ‘Skinning’ the frame – 1 day
- This stage can be done at the workshop or later at the builders desire.
- Applying the polyurethane waterproof coating – 1day
- This stage can be done at the workshop or later at the builders desire.
If the build is unlikely to be competed within the selected time scale then additional help is provided, or in worst case scenario, additional day/s time made to allow the build to be extended for completion. This may result in additional cost to cover the additional hours of support and assistance
Additional details
Course structure: At the beginning of the course participants are provided with an overview of the process and some initial discussion of the tools and skills used. The course is carefully divided into focused day by day tasks to ensure that the participant can complete the build within the allotted time to be able to take away their finely fashioned kayak at the close of the course. The aim is to leave with a finished kayak, but this is dependant on the participants progress over the initial six days.
Interruptions to the build process to allow for ‘drying time’: Following the construction of the frame there is a minimum of a one day break for the frame to be oiled prior to skinning of the kayak. When the skin has been coated with polyurethane it requires a minimum of two days to cure before being handled.
Materials: Regardless of the course length option you choose, in all cases, all of the materials for building the frame, skinning the frame and coating the finished boat are included.
Pricing: Regardless of the build options chosen the course cost is the same. £1400
Please feel free to call if you wish to discuss any of this. UK. 07722018457
Option | Schedule | Notes |
1. Frame only | 6 days in total Frame 6 | The frame is fine to take home at the end of day 6. Skinning and coating are completed by the participant as it suits. |
2. Frame and skin | 8 days in total Frame 6 Rest day after oiling 1 Skinning 1 | Following the frame completion, a coat of oil is applied and a full day required for the oil to be absorbed prior to skinning. Oiling the frame can be omitted, but potentially reduces its life span. The skinned boat is fine to take home at the end of day 8. Coating is completed by the participant as it suits. |
3. Frame, skin and coating | 11 days in total Frame 6 Rest day after oiling 1 Skinning 1 Coating 1 Coating initial cure 2 | Following the frame completion, a coat of oil is applied and a full day required for the oil to be absorbed prior to skinning. Oiling the frame can be omitted, but potentially reduces its life span. Once the coating is applied, two days are required for the coating to undergo an initial cure after which it is possible to transport the boat. |