Welcome to the home of beautiful canoes

I am John and at Valkyrie Craft I build boats and make paddles to order, and supply them to the U.K., the Republic of Ireland and beyond; my boats are afloat as far afield as Norway and Cyprus and my paddles are used on every continent.
I also run courses in boat building, paddle making and other traditional woodworking crafts.
My Products include:
- Open / Canadian canoes in Cedar and Canvas, and Skin on Frame
- Skin on Frame Sea Kayaks, both traditional and modern
- Made to measure paddles for open canoes, S.U.P boards and Kayaks
- Canoe and kayak accessories
- Hands-on courses in paddle making, boat building and woodworking skills.
- Specializing in made to measure Greenland Paddle
Some of my boats are built under license from Cape Falcon Kayaks

I hold membership of:
- The Wooden Canoe Heritage Association (WCHA)
- The Wooden Boatbuilders Trade Association (WBTA)
- The Wooden Canoe Builders Guild (WCBG) and abide by its standards of construction for Cedar and Canvas canoes.